Monday, April 7, 2008

Weekly goals update and today

So here were the goals:
1. Don't go near the scale until next Friday
2. Drink tons of water
3. Go to the gym daily

And here are the results so far:
1. Got on the scale only once! (I also think our scale is messed up. My friend thinks it is too. I was 132.2 this morning and that's just not possible after Friday, I know it's not. I'd feel it. I'll be at my own house Friday morning so I'll weigh there).
2. I have drank soooo much water! And it's helping with hunger too!
3. I went on Saturday, but not Sunday. However, I did everything I do at the gym at home. I did all my mat work on my Yoga mat and went for a run. I don't think I'll get there today and if I don't, I'll do what I did yesterday.

So far, so good I think.

It's 2:18pm today and I have 4 points left! I had 6 before lunch and then met mom for lunch at around 12:45. Lunch was great and healthy, but at the same time it was about 10 points. I'm not too worried though, I'm still full and I have lots of low point and filling things I can eat. For supper I'm thinking beans and salad for two points and some grapes and 2 slices of WW bread for a point each later on in the evening.

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